Miracles Over a Cup of Cappuccino

Miracles Over a Cup of Cappuccino

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Luck, Fate, Destiny – what do these words actually mean? How much control do we actually have over our own lives? When something extraordinary happens to turn our lives around, is it a divine intervention, a miracle – or is it just the logical result of creative efforts put in by someone, not necessarily the person whose ‘luck & life changes?’ Above all, have we forgotten how important the ‘human connection’ is in our lives,…


If you love a story full of twists and turns after every few pages, you will enjoy this book!

It has Indian masala, some inspiring stories and lots of miracles. It is specially good for someone who is trying to become an avid reader, as it has very easy to read language.

It stands out for its simplicity and unexpected events.

I completed it in less than 24 hours 🙂

Happy reading!

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